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Why Does My Cat Sit Alone In The Dark

Why Does My Cat Sit Alone In The Dark? The Ultimate Guide

You may commonly find your cat sitting alone in the dark. Even when you call their names, they will not come out of the dark places nor react. You may think that it is all part of your feline friend’s instinctive behavior. But are you aware of the reasons why it occurs? As cat owners, you should pay close attention to the behavioral changes of your cats. Read on to find out Why Do cats sit alone in the dark?

Reasons Why Your Cat Sits Alone In The Dark

Some cats are born to live alone. It looks very strange to us, but cats like to stay alone sometimes. They find places in the house you’ve never seen before to take naps or have some time for them. No matter why your Four-legged friend stays alone, it’s essential to keep an eye on them.

Facts Behind:

  • Your cat is sick or injured.
  • They feel anxious or stressed.
  • They prefer the darkness, or they’re trying to avoid you.
  • They don’t want to be around people or other animals.
  • They’re seeking out a quiet place to relax and rest.

Note: If your furry felines is normally social and suddenly starts spending more time alone, it’s important to take them to the vet to rule out any health issues.

Depression In Cats:

Most cats are very independent creatures. However, sometimes they can get depressed. Depression in cats can be caused by several things, including changes in their routine, the loss of a loved one, or even just getting older.


Symptoms of depression in cats include listlessness, not wanting to eat or drink, hiding away, and generally looking sad.

Precaution: If there are no medical concerns, consider providing your cat with more quiet places where they can retreat when they need peace.

Cat sits alone in dark infographic

What Can I Do To Help My Cat Not Sit Alone In The Dark?

You can help them by doing this:

  • Please provide them with a comfortable place to sleep away from drafts and noise.
  • Give them plenty of toys and playtime, so they are energized.
  • Make sure they have access to food and water at all times.
  • Spend time with them daily, even if it’s just sitting down and petting them.
  • Buy them a night light in their room or leave it on in the hallway so they can see where they’re going.

Locations Where Cats Sit Alone In The Dark:

cat sit alone in the dark

There are some locations where you will find your cat. These are:

  • In a closet.
  • Under a bed.
  • In a dark corner of a room.
  • Behind a piece of furniture.
  • On a windowsill.


Your cat may choose to sit alone in the dark for many reasons. Maybe they enjoy the quiet or find it easier to relax in a dim setting. Some cats also prefer to avoid bright lights because they are sensitive to them.


Do Cats Like To Sit In The Dark For Hunting?

Darkness is a cue for hunting, so your cat may be instinctually drawn to it.

Is It A Cat’s Natural Behavior To Sit Alone In The Dark?

Some cats prefer darker environments and feel more comfortable in them. So yes, it is a part of their instinctive behavior too.

Is Loneliness A Reason Behind It?

If your cat spends more time alone in the dark, it could signify that they feel isolated and need more attention. 

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