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Why Does My Cat Bite My Phone?

Why Does My Cat Bite My Phone? 6 Important Reasons

It can be quite painful if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a cat bite. Maybe you’ve even asked yourself if there’s something wrong with your cat.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons behind this behavior and what you can do to stop it.

Having a cat as a pet is an affectionate and rewarding experience. They have so many funny things about them that give them their personality.

Cats are known for their habit of biting and chewing on a wide variety of objects. One factor that drew my attention was when they bit on phones, particularly when the owners were using the devices simultaneously. Have you ever discovered that your cat was chewing on your phone and pondered the question, “Why does my cat bite my phone?” when you saw it happening?

Why Did My Cat Bite My Phone?

Cats often bite their owners’ phones in self-defense against the potential danger posed by the device. Because of how much time you spend on the phone, your cat may sometimes feel neglected. Your cat has to fight against other pets for your attention.

If you spend a lot of time on your phone, your cat may feel ignored and resort to destructive behavior, such as biting the device, in an attempt to gain more of your attention and affection.

Reason Behind This Behavior:

This behavior may signify anxiety, boredom, frustration, or other things. Let’s discuss different reasons to know the science behind this behavior.

1- Your cat can bite your phone if it wants to play with you:

Your cat can bite your Phone if it wants to play with you. Cats have an instinct to bite, and they may not know that your Phone is a valuable possession. If your cat starts biting your Phone, you can try to redirect its attention with a toy or some food. You can also train your cat not to bite by using positive reinforcement.

2- Cats can bite your phone to communicate something:

When your cat bites your Phone, they are trying to communicate something to you. Cats use their mouths to communicate various things, including hunger, frustration, and even love. If your cat is biting your Phone, they’re likely trying to tell you something.

Maybe they’re trying to tell you that they’re hungry or thirsty or want you to pet them. It could also be a sign of playful behavior. Suppose your cat bites your Phone, and it’s accompanied by other signs of aggression, like hissing or growling. In that case, it’s best to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

3- Your cat might be a hunter by nature:

Your cat’s natural hunting instinct might be why they’re drawn to biting your Phone. While it’s not something that you can necessarily change, there are a few things you can do to try and curb the behavior.

First, provide your cat with other outlets for its hunting instinct. This could include interactive toys encouraging them to stalk and pounce or even a simple string toy they can bat around. If their hunting instinct is strong, you might also want to consider getting them a Companion Animal: a small rodent or bird that they can safely stalk and chase without harming.

Of course, you’ll also want to ensure that your cat is getting enough exercise and mental stimulation. Make sure your cat gets enough exercise and playtime, so it’s less prone to get into mischief.

4- Your cat might be impressed with your phone case:

Your Phone’s cover may be one of the reasons your cat bites your Phone. The cover may smell like something that excites your cat, such as another animal or food. It’s also possible that the sound of the cover being moved around can fascinate your cat.

5- The Cat can smell you from your phone:

There are different explanations for why your cat is biting your phone. The cat may pick up a whiff of your fragrance from the phone and attempt to catch your attention in this way. There is also the potential that the cat is uninterested in playing with anything else because it is either boring or has nothing else to play on.

6- Cats may hate your phone’s ringtone or blinking lights:

If your cat is biting your Phone, it’s probably because they’re annoyed by it and want you to stop using it. There are different reasons your cat may get annoyed by your Phone’s ringtone or the blinking lights and start biting.
⦁ One reason could be that the sound is too loud for their sensitive ears.
⦁ Another reason could be that the light is too bright for their eyes.
⦁ Cats don’t like change, so they may get upset if you suddenly start using a new thing by ignoring them.


Your cat may be attacking your phone because it is envious of all the time you give it. A study found that the cats became agitated when people paid more attention to their phones than their cats.

Steps to stop a cat from biting your phone:

If your cat is biting your Phone, there are a few things you can do to stop them.
First, try to figure out why they’re doing it. If they’re bored, give them more toys and attention. If they’re anxious, talk to your vet about possible solutions.
Second, provide an acceptable alternative for them to bite. This could be a chew toy or a scratching post. Redirect their biting towards these objects instead of your Phone.
Additionally, create a space for them that is just theirs, where they can scratch, climb, and sleep. This will help satisfy their instincts and make them feel more comfortable in your home.
Finally, make sure that you’re not encouraging the behavior. Please don’t play with your cat with your Phone or let them bite it as part of a game. Continuing this will only strengthen the habit and make its removal more challenging.


Why do cats prefer to bite, especially on the corner of my phone?

Cats tend to bite objects they’re curious about or think might be edible. The cords on phones can also resemble string, which is another favorite toy for cats to nibble on.
If your cat is constantly biting the corners of your Phone, it’s best to provide them with a separate scratching post or toy to help satisfy their needs.

When I’m on the phone, my cat starts biting me. why is that?

If your cat bites you on the phone, try to spend more time with them when you’re not using your device. Give them extra attention and see if that helps stop the biting behavior.

What’s with the cat always sitting on the phone?

Phones emit a small amount of heat, appealing to cats who love to curl up in warm spots. Additionally, the smooth surface of most phones is similar to that of a cat’s favorite sunbathing spot – a sunny windowsill.


The study authors aren’t sure why this is, but they have a few theories. It could be that the cats are trying to get our attention or that they’re responding to some threat they perceive from the Phone. Whatever the reason, if your cat is biting your Phone, it’s probably best to put it away and give them some quality time.

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